Thursday, January 26, 2012

Playing at McDonald's with Cassia

I may have mentioned Cousin Nancy taught kindergarten for a long time.  She's good friends with a family who has a daughter right about my age.  So she invited Cassia to come with us to a McDonald's that has a great indoor playground.  Mommy and Grandpa went next door to eat at Subway.  (Unlike me, they prefer to eat something different for lunch from one day to the next.)

Cassia and I both ordered Happy Meals.  And guess what?!  They had "fairy Barbies" in each of them.  Mine was pink and Cassia's was purple.  Do you know how much fun a girl can have at a playground WITH a fairy Barbie?  We learned that afternoon.  In fact, we were there so long, Grandpa Mitch went back to Nancy's and took a siesta.  Mommy and Cousin Nancy were able to talk for a long time since Cassia and I were so busy playing.

We climbed, crawled and went down slides over and over.  It was so much fun and I was so glad to make a new friend.

After going back to her home, I discovered Cousin Nancy has LOTS of great books perfect for someone my age.  I really liked this one, Mañana Iguana.  I asked Mommy to read it again to me later.

We went out to a local Mexican restaurant that night, but I was so tired from all the playing I did earlier that I fell asleep at dinner.  Mommy had told me before I fell asleep that if I didn't finish my food, I wouldn't get Cold Stone Ice Cream.  (And since Mommy loves Cold Stone Ice Cream so much, we were all going to go whether I was awake or not!)

I woke up at Cold Stone and wanted to order my own ice cream, but Mommy said no.  And when Mommy says "no" she means NO!  (My tears probably would have worked on Grandpa.)  She did let me have a few tastes of her "cake batter ice cream."

Overall, I'd say I had a great 1st day (outside an airport) in California!