Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dinner with Madison and Mackenzie

This evening we got to do something different for dinner.  One of Daddy's coworkers, Mr. A.J., invited us over to his house for dinner with his wife Phyllis and their two (fraternal twin) granddaughters who were visiting, Madison and Mackenzie.  They are only a couple of weeks older than me, so we got along great!

When we got there, Madison got out some of her blocks, which were just like mine.  We happily played together, ignoring everything else!

After dinner we got to play out in their backyard.  The three of us played "hide and seek" with Daddy and Mr. A.J.  Madison and I are doing a pretty good job hiding, aren't we?

Then it was Mr. A.J. and Daddy's turn to hide.  I found Mr. A.J.!

I was having so much fun, Daddy let me play until long after my normal bedtime.  I hope I get to see them again, it sure was nice of them to invite us over!