Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rain, rain go away - Omniplex, playground, and storytime

This week I've really been getting good at riding my tricycle around outside.  Every day after we get home the first thing I've done is grabbed my tricycle and headed to the garage.  Daddy figures it's good exercise, so off we go!  I've been riding laps around our block, and even like to do two laps now (three if Daddy would let me, but he says it takes plenty long to do two!)  I've learned that the uphill parts are no fun, but the long downhill part sure is!  Since Daddy greased the axles on Sunday it has been much easier to pedal and doesn't make the terrible loud squeaking sound it used to.  I always make a point several times a day about how "there's grease on the wheels".

It was a nice week, but today it rained all day.  So what else were we to do but go to the Omniplex!  And after the Omniplex we went to get lunch - where else but at the "playground", also called McDonald's.  Daddy makes me eat all my lunch before I go play.  Of course, his plan as usual is to get me nice and tired so I take a nap at home.

Well we got home and I showed absolutely no sign of being tired, and didn't even try to take a nap!  After dinner I wanted to feed my "babies".  I even found some of my old bibs and Daddy helped me put them on!

(Daddy liked both pictures and couldn't decide.)

When it was almost my bedtime, I crawled into Daddy's bed and laid down.  I know he's not going to let me sleep there, but it sure is cozy.  Daddy laid down next to me and asked if I wanted him to tell me a story.  I sat up, looked around, and not seeing any books, said "I don't see any stories".  He told me that he meant he would make one up.  What did I want it to be about.  I said "Who says MOO?" which is the name of one of my books.  I still didn't understand.  Daddy and Mommy read me a lot of books, but this is the first time Daddy has made up a story for me.  Once I figured that out, I was pretty excited! 

He told me it was about a princess, and asked me to guess her name.  "I don't know".  When he told me it was Princess Piper, I got a big smile on my face.  I like this story already!  It was a silly, short story about riding my horse over to see Daddy (the King of course), but when he was done, I quickly said "tell it again Daddy!"  He made it different this time, about riding my horse to see him and then we went flying in his jet airplane (with me flying of course), and going upside down, which was okay because the "Queen" wasn't there!  I laughed at that.  And then I made the best landing ever, even better than Daddy's.  Yes, his stories are silly.  But once again, I told him to "tell it again Daddy!"  But this time he told me that not only was I the prettiest Princess ever, but also really smart because I knew all my letters, could count to 10, and knew ALL the states.  And guess what, I liked that story too! 

The whole time I laid there, I listened intently to the stories, and wasn't constantly distracted like I usually am.  I think Daddy's going to be telling me a lot more stories!

After that it was bedtime.  Daddy and Mommy think it's pretty cute that after Daddy tucks me in and leaves the room, he can hear me singing to myself and my stuffed animal friends.  Sometimes this goes on for 5 or 10 minutes too!