Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday fun

A few things to tell about today.

As Daddy was at the bathroom sink brushing his teeth this morning, I called from near the tub "Daddy, I'm taking a bath!"  Since it wasn't bath time (and he hadn't heard any water running fortunately), he was puzzled and looked around the wall at me, and sure enough, I was sitting on the edge of the tub, having taken my pants, underpants, and socks off, and then said "I need help with my shirt."  He thought it was pretty funny, and broke up laughing.

A little while later I told him I had to go potty.  He was in the other room, and it sure seemed to be taking me a long time, so he checked on me as he heard the toilet flush.  Good thing he did, too, because what he saw was the toilet overflowing with a whole lot of toilet paper in it!  Apparently he didn't hear the toilet flush the first time, because I must have been having lots of fun with the toilet paper.  Poor Daddy!

Later in the day we went out on an ice cream date!  Okay, actually a "frozen custard" date.  A local place called "Rusty's Frozen Custard" (he likes the name) sends out coupons every once in a while, so he figured we'd try it.  I got mine with chocolate chips mixed, and I sure did like it!  As usual I ate it at my very slow pace, enjoying each tiny little bite.  I couldn't eat the whole thing, but I passed it over to Daddy to finish.  He didn't mind!

After that we went to a different playground just down the street from the custard place.  Somebody was having a birthday party so there were lots of kids there, and I had a great time.  I made friends with a few other girls and we ran around squealing and chasing each other like little girls do!  Daddy was having a lot of fun just watching us, and sometimes he'd chase me around too (and then I'd chase him).  We were there for a long time, about an hour and a half.  You'd think I'd be tired and take a nap after that.  Nope!

I've also started being silly and calling Mommy and Daddy "Mommo" and "Daddo".  Daddy then calls me "Pipe-o" and I think it's pretty funny!