Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fun day at home and the Omniplex

The weather forecasters called for a blizzard today (yes, March 20th), but it didn't quite turn out like that.  It did snow some, and was cold and windy all day, though, so we stayed inside.  Nothing like yesterday's 70 degrees!

After breakfast (pancakes!) while Daddy was out of the room, I got out some plates and spoons because I wanted to have a Play-doh "tea" party.  When Daddy came back, I told him I even saved a place for Mommy.  He told me that was very nice and Mommy would love to know it.  We had quite the meal, "pancakes" and "bean burritos"!

Daddy made a little tiny pancake for me and then I asked him to put it on my nose!  Of course then I asked him to do the same.  We're being silly!

After we were done with our "snack", I wanted to do some puzzles.  I'm getting really good at the U.S. states puzzle.  I showed Daddy I now know the names of 4 more states - Georgia, Missouri, Arkansas, and Alabama, which brings me up to 20!  Daddy's very happy I like maps.  Since I did the puzzle so easily, Daddy decided it was time for a bigger challenge and brought out a puzzle Grandma and Papa had brought over that was Daddy's as a kid.  This one is also a map of the U.S., but unlike my other one isn't a board puzzle and so doesn't have the outlines of the states behind them!  That's okay, I took right to it, and even got a lot of states in without any help.  I still remembered what most of the ones I knew were, even without the little picture on each one.  Daddy was impressed!

Since it was so cold, windy, and snowy today, we decided to go to the Omniplex.  I had a great time, and Daddy was just hoping I'd get worn out and take a nap.  Here are a couple of silly pictures of me from today.

Well, Daddy's plan worked!  On the way home, several times I told him "I'm tired"  I also told him I wanted to take a nap with him on the big bed!  It's very rare that I actually tell Mommy or Daddy that I'm tired, so he knew this was for real.  He told me to stay awake until we got home, and when we did I sat on the bed, quickly took my shoes and jacket off, and laid down ready to nap.  I took a good hour-long nap on Daddy, it was very nice.

That night I wanted to do my map puzzles again.  This time Daddy let me do my "easy" one all by myself.  He didn't say anything, help me or give any hints, and I got all the states in!  He thought it was neat how I'd be thinking out loud - "Where's Georgia?  I need Georgia."  "California goes there, apparently."  (Yes, I have picked up the word "apparently" from somewhere.)  We then did the harder map puzzle again, and I did even better than last time.  Daddy is amazed at how fast I learn!