Saturday, March 13, 2010

First full week without Mommy

This was Daddy's and my first full week without Mommy, and so far we've made it okay.  We really miss Mommy though, today I set her a place at my table when Daddy and I were having Play-doh snacks, and told him we would save some for Mommy.

Earlier in the week, I changed my nighttime routine a little bit by having Minnie turn out the light in my room and close the door.  I used to do it, of course, but now I tell Minnie "you can do it, you're a big girl".  I talk her through it and even tell her good job at the end to be nice. 

Also, I am really learning my U.S. states.  We have a wooden map puzzle and I'm getting really good at it.  I can put the states in all by myself, so Daddy has been teaching me their names, and why they're significant.  I know now 14 of them, and I learn more each day! 

Arizona - "where Grandma Bunny and Papa Mitch live"
Utah - "where Zoe and Mia live"
Texas - "where Mommy is, like Texas Roadhouse!"
Oklahoma - "where I was born"
Louisiana - "where Alex will live"
Mississippi - "where Mommy was"
Florida - "where Minnie and Woody and Buzz live"
Pennsylvania - "where Daddy was born"
Hawaii - "where the Humu-humu-a'a for my shirt comes from" (the Hawaiian state fish)
Alaska - "where the polar bear lives"

I'm learning math too - I saw two throat lozenges on the counter, and said "there are 2, if I take 1 away, there will be 1!"  It's a start!