Monday, January 11, 2010

Rough night last night

Last night was a rough night for Daddy and me. It started out well - I was a really good girl in the shower, getting ready for bed, and went to bed with no problems. But at about 9:30 I woke up crying, and was sitting up in my bed when Daddy came. I was pretty out of it, and he was able to lay me down on my side, curled me up with my Minnie and Panda, and I went back to sleep pretty easily.

At about 11:30 I woke up crying again. When Daddy came out of his room I was standing in the hallway crying. He picked me up, gave me a big hug as usual, and asked what was wrong. I cried, "I peed my pants!", at which point he noticed that it was now all over him, of course! Oops. So he took me in the bathroom, got my old clothes off, we went back in the bedroom, got new pajamas on, and then he noticed that I hadn't wet the bed, it was dry.  Yay!  We then headed out to sit on the couch and have some milk to calm me down. On the way there, I started crying again, and said "my feet wet!" It was then that Daddy noticed the big puddle I had left in the hallway, that he had now tracked into the bathroom, into my bedroom, and into the living room! Oh no! So he sat me down on the couch while he cleaned up (and cleaned himself up too). But I did go back to sleep after having some milk.

And then about 2:00 I woke up again, walking down the hallway. Daddy got smart and made a point of "checking" before he picked me up this time! But everything was okay, so he rocked me a little and I went back to bed.

I woke up happily when he came to get me in the morning, and he told me to get dressed while he showered (which I'm getting very good at doing by myself). While he was in there I decided I had to go potty, but when he got done with his shower and heard me calling for him, he found me on my potty chair, legs spread wide, feet hovering a few inches off the ground, and a big puddle next to the potty chair. I missed! He's not sure how. Needless to say, he cleaned that up as I finished getting dressed.

So like I said, it was a rough night and morning. And Mommy's only been gone a few hours!