Friday, May 8, 2009

This week has still been tough for falling asleep

I'm still not back on my bedtime routine, but it's getting a little better. This week I've really cried hard after Mommy and Daddy say good night and leave my room. Even after the singing and rocking in the chair, I still don't want them to leave, and wail as loud as I can. At first, they'd wait a while then come back in and comfort me some more. But on Tuesday of this week, apparently they decided to just let me cry until I wore myself out and fell asleep. I didn't like this at first, and cried for about 30 minutes until I gave up and fell asleep. But you know what? Every day since I've cried for less and less time before falling asleep. Now it's down to only a minute or so. So maybe it's working after all!