Saturday, November 20, 2010

Omniplex, fire, lunch, park, bowling!

What a busy day!  Last weekend Mommy and Daddy promised me we'd get to play together this weekend, since they were so busy getting ready for the movers we didn't get much time to play.  Well, they were right, and we sure did a lot today!

Of course I wanted to take one last trip to the Omniplex.  This time I told Mommy that I'd take her to see the science show, where they blow things up.  Daddy and I have been to it a few times, but Mommy hadn't seen it yet, so I told her I'd make sure she didn't get scared.  The science show was going really well (and I was jumping up and down yelling for them to "pick me! pick me!" as a volunteer) until right after one of the experiments, the fire alarms in the building went off!  We thought it was just a false alarm at first, but as we evacuated the building we could smell and then see all the smoke.  It had nothing to do with the science show, but it was very good timing.  Some roofing materials behind the building had caught fire, and some propane tanks were nearby too.  It sure made a lot of smoke!

Since we figured they wouldn't be letting anyone back in for a while, we decided to go try to find some ducks to feed.  Right around the corner from the Omniplex is a little park, and although we SAW lots of ducks, none of them came over to eat what we were feeding them.  So after trying for a while and getting a lot of walking in, we went to lunch instead.

After lunch we decided to try to find some hungry ducks at another pond.  At this one we did see some turtles, but they weren't hungry either!

So we went to the playground that's near our hotel room on the base.  I had a lot of fun running all around (especially when being chased by Daddy the big monster).  I made friends with an older girl (she was 7) and we started piling up some leaves to jump in.  I was really getting into it, and doing a good job getting the leaves!

After a while, I had to go potty.  Well, right next to the playground is the base's bowling alley, so we went there.  And naturally once I was done, I sure wanted to go bowling!  They were having a special price today, so Daddy and Mommy thought that sounded like a great idea.  I liked my fancy bowling shoes and got my own ball.  At first I started out rolling the ball between my legs, but when I saw how Mommy and Daddy held the ball, I wanted to do that too!

They even had some "dinosaur" ramps for us kids to use.  I tried this a few times, then went back and forth between rolling the ball and using the ramp. 

I was having a good time, but by the end of the game I was losing interest.  So we only played one game.  By then it was time to get ready to go out to meet Mommy and Daddy's friends Steve and Brittany for dinner!  Ms. Brittany is pregnant with their first baby and I had a special present for him or her, my Mickey Mouse airplane that Grandma and Papa gave me when I was really little.  I really liked it, but am far too big for it now.  I was happy to let someone else enjoy it!

After dinner we stopped by the house to take care of a few more things, and then we stopped by two of our neighbor's houses to say goodbye.  By this time it was getting pretty late and so we headed back to the base.  What a busy day!  But we were all together!