See, the first thing we did was one of Daddy and my favorite activities, a little snooze to start the day off right.
Then Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and I all went to the park across the street. I got to climb a big mountain!
Then we went swinging. The seats were hot so Mommy put a sheet down.
I love swings!
It was a good day at the park. When we got back home, we played with Legos! I have started in the last few days crawling into Mommy or Daddy's laps if they're sitting on the floor. It takes a little effort, but I can do it all by myself. Once I get up there, I plop right down and get comfortable. Mommy and Daddy think it's adorable.
Grandma had to leave today, but on the way to the airport we stopped by downtown Oklahoma City at the riverwalk and fed some ducks! They were very friendly, in fact Daddy and Mommy got some to eat out of their hands.
So it was a good Father's Day for Daddy and me, we had a great time. I was sad to see Grandma Stoller head back to Phoenix though, because I had a good time seeing her again. Hope it's not too long until the next time, Grandma!