Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm very sensitive, you know!

Today at Grandma and Grandpa's house I started doing something that Mommy and Daddy have never seen before. We were sitting around the table and I went to feed some of my food to their dog, Shadow. Shadow's a nice dog and I thought she should be able to join in what we were eating. Daddy and Grandpa saw me, though, and both said "no, Piper" at the same time. I immediately crossed my arms on the table, put my head down and started sobbing! After a few seconds I looked up and kept bawling until Mommy comforted me.

I did this several more times throughout the day, no matter how gentle someone said "no" to me, the result was the same - head down in arms and quiet sobbing at first, followed by bawling.

Interestingly, though, I haven't really done it at all since we came home and I'm just with Mommy and Daddy!