Saturday, August 11, 2012

Open House at Rainbow Child Care

I'm about to start my last week at the Wright Field North Child Development Center ("Day care") where I have been since we arrived in Ohio.  I'm pretty sad about leaving my teachers and my friends (at least the ones that haven't already moved on), but they do not offer school-age care so I'll need to go to a different, off-base, after-school care facility - the "Rainbow"!  I am very excited about going to a new place, and today they were having an open house so I got to check out all the fun stuff they have (like an indoor gym)! 

Daddy got the camera, and any more when I see him with the camera, I have to get him to take a picture.  I love to pose and show off my missing teeth!

We had gone to the Rainbow Child Care Center when it was brand-new several months ago - the playground was still just dirt!  But now it's open and looks like there will be a lot of fun things to learn and do.  I discovered this astronaut's uniform in the "school-age" room right away and put it right on. 

I also got to meet my teacher, Miss Alicia, and some of the other people that work there.  They all seemed very nice, I'm sure I'll love it once I get there.  I will be splitting my time between Kindergarten and the Rainbow, so I will have lots of new friends!