Sunday, November 20, 2011

Is 7 a high number?

Today as we were sitting eating dinner, I looked at my placemat and saw the number 7.  I've been very interested lately in what numbers are "high" numbers, so I asked Daddy, "Is 7 a high number?"

He said, "Well, it depends.  It's a higher number than your age, so it's a high number to you.  But how old am I?"

I said "37".

He said, "So to my age it's a much lower number."

To which I began to reply, "And it's a much, much, much..."

He tried to save me by interrupting "Don't say what I think you're going to say!"

But I didn't get the hint, and kept going, "...much, much smaller number to Mommy's age!"

Mommy said, "Thanks, Pumpkin."  Daddy just put his head in his hands.  What??