Monday, October 10, 2011

Nature walk and raking leaves

Today was a holiday, so Mommy, Daddy and I all got to stay home together and had a great time.  We went out for lunch, then did a little shopping.  When we were done that we went to Steak 'N' Shake for their "happy hour" milkshake special!  I got a double chocolate fudge milkshake, but ended up liking Mommy's mint cookies and cream milkshake better, so I "helped" her a lot.

Later we went to a new nature walk area near our house.  We got to see some frogs, a beaver dam and some super big leaves!

When we got home, Daddy put me to work.  Look at all the leaves I had to rake up!

Actually, I wanted to help, and I did a super good job too, raking up at least 1/4 of all those leaves.  I even said to Daddy, "I'll rake some more so your arms don't get tired."  He liked the sound of that!

When we were done, I couldn't wait to jump in the big pile!  But I knew we had to wait so Mommy could come out and watch.  Hurry Mommy!

I knew I had to get a big running start!

After a ccouple of jumps by myself, I told Daddy I wanted to jump in with him.  So we held hands, ran super fast and jumped in.  Mommy got this picture right as we landed on the pile!

This is fun!