Thursday, January 17, 2008

Look at me, I'm standing!

Since I was only a couple of months old, Daddy's been having me try to stand up and support my own weight. Of course, I couldn't do it at first, but gradually I got stronger and stronger. For the last month or so I've been able to stand if Daddy or Mommy help me stand up, and the last couple of weeks I've been able to push myself into a standing position with my legs, if I'm holding on to someone. I'm really getting pretty good! If I have something to hold on to, I can usually stand for a few minutes at a time before I lose my grip or balance. Daddy and Mommy are very proud of me! (Of course, I guess next they're going to want me to stand WITHOUT holding on to anything. That sounds tough!)

I was being really cute standing in my crib today, so Daddy took some pictures.

And in case you think maybe I'm kneeling on something, here you go! :)

After all that standing, I sure was tired. Fell asleep right on Mommy and Daddy's bed while playing with my doll. Mommy thinks I may have been even more tired than on October 14th to fall asleep in this position!