As mentioned on Friday, Jim and Carol May came to visit so that Jim could perform my blessing in church today. Grandma and Grandpa Roslewski also came down from Tulsa for it, so we had a lot of visitors all at once. I was a very good girl during the blessing. I wore a 60-year old dress that my great-great-grandmother had made for my grandmother when she was my age. To top it all off, my grandmother made the hat about 10 years ago.
Here are my Mommy and Daddy, Jim and Carol, and me.

And here I am with Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma and Grandpa Roslewski.

After church, the 7 of us had dinner, which Mommy did a great job preparing! It was Jim's birthday as well, so I helped them celebrate. This is Jim about to blow out a candle.

I had fun with Grandma and Grandpa too. Grandma makes me laugh!

But I'm still trying to figure Grandpa out! :)