Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Outgrowing my clothes already!

Today Mommy and Daddy realized that my "newborn" clothes were a little snug. So it's on to "Infant 0-3 month" clothes for me! Daddy says I'm growing really fast and am such a big girl already. In fact, he was wondering how much I weighed now, since I've been eating a lot. So he weighed me on his postal scale. 8 pounds 11 ounces!

I still have a little trouble focusing my eyes, but I'm starting to reach out and touch things. I still hiccup a lot. Hopefully that will go away soon. I've been trying to be good and usually only cry when I'm hungry (or when I'm really soiled). But when I'm not, I give Mommy and Daddy the cutest, big-eyed look I can!