Daddy says we should have a salad tonight and split it among the three of us. I've heard of "eyes being bigger than my tummy," but Daddy must really need his eyes examined if he thinks this tiny morsel is large enough to split among three salads. Silly Daddy!
Well, we were all ready for the big event. Daddy had the camera ready and we were going to go over to the table and very ceremoniously slice the tomato into thirds. My job was to carry the tomato over to the table (Daddy was holding me in his arms). I took the tomato from Daddy, and popped it right in my mouth! So much for ceremony! I started chewing and realized that I did not like it at all, so I spit it out. Would you believe Mommy and Daddy didn't want any anymore? So much for our big event! Maybe we'll get another plant and have better luck.