This afternoon, Daddy had fed me a little snack. I was really thristy and sucked the whole juice box right down. In fact, I wanted more! When he suggested milk or water instead, I looked at him with the most serious look I could manage, glaring eyes and all, and said simply "...Juice". Eventually he convinced me to have some milk instead, which I caused some fuss over, so he left me at the table to eat my snack and went into the living room. All of a sudden he noticed I got really quiet. When he turned around to look at me, here's what he saw!
I was asleep with my head propped between the chair and the table! He managed to get me out of the chair, into his arms, and then laid down on top of him on the couch without waking me up. And there I slept for about an hour. Who knew I was so tired? Daddy wonders how much longer I'll be able to fall asleep on him. I'm getting pretty big, but he stills likes it, and I still find it pretty cozy! Daddy hopes I don't outgrow it too soon, he'll sure miss it!