After a little lunch, we went out to see the "Showcase of Homes" they were having in town. Mommy and Daddy just wanted to get some ideas for a future house. I really liked running around all the new houses! I got to open and close lots of doors, go up and down lots of stairs (especially fun since we don't have any), hide in lots of pantries and other rooms, and just have a great time. But after a couple of hours, I was pooped! I fell asleep in the car seat between two of the houses. Daddy picked me up and I fell right back asleep on his shoulder. The house we went in happened to be furnished, so Daddy laid me down on the bed in the master bedroom and I continued my nap! They finished looking around that house, Daddy picked me up, put me back in the truck, we drove to the next house, Daddy got me out of the truck and carried me around the next house, all without me waking up. Like I said, I was tired! I finally woke up when he put me back in the car seat. But by then I'd had almost an hour of sleep, so I was rested and ready to go. We even went out to dinner (Chinese food) and I ate a bunch of noodles!
Sunday was actually more of the same! Daddy and I went to the park again, although we didn't stay as long. I hadn't eaten much for breakfast and wasn't as playful. But we still had a good time. We went back home, and after lunch they put me down for a nap. I didn't complain at all and went right to sleep, which is very rare. I usually don't willingly take a nap on the weekends. While I was asleep, Mommy went out to look at more homes, so when I woke after about 50 minutes Daddy came to get me. He brought me back into their bedroom and laid down on the bed with me in case I wanted to go back to sleep. I didn't, but I did want something else - you see, I've noticed Mommy and Daddy scratching each other's backs, and so last week Daddy scratched my back a little. I really liked it! So today, I laid next to him, rolled on my belly, lifted my shirt up a little in the back, and said simply "Daddy?" He got the hint and scratched my back. I didn't move for about 15 minutes! It felt good!
When Mommy got back we all went out to see the "Premier Featured Homes" or something like that. They were pretty nice, and I got to run around, up and down stairs again, all the same fun stuff as yesterday. What a weekend!
Here are some pictures of the homes we went in.
This one had a neat attic elevator device. Daddy let me operate it! We tried to be sneaky so Mommy wouldn't notice, but I've learned we can't get much by her.

This house had a nice home theater room. Here I am telling Mommy to sit down next to Daddy. I'm working on being more polite about it!
I did a lot of riding around on Daddy's shoulders. Of course this meant I got to touch things I couldn't normally!
The entry for this shower was a little narrow!
Two of the houses had these really neat faucets which were like little waterfalls. Daddy and I had to try them out.
Daddy kept hoping that one of the houses would have a built-in aquarium in one of the walls, but no such luck. That's what he'd like to have if we ever have a house built!