Here "Pepe" is giving me a kiss. Auntie Erika says he's not used to having company who's the same height he is.
After chasing Pepe and Taz for a while, they decided to get me back. (I can't tell if this is a picture of Pepe or Taz.) We had so much fun running around!
Auntie Jennifer has dogs, too. Paris and Patsy hadn't met me before and weren't too sure they wanted to let me inside.
For some odd reason, Paris decided to hide from me. Auntie Jennifer and Patsy were helping me coax Paris out from under the bed.
Our coaxing didn't work very well, so I had to find something else to keep me entertained. Fortunately, Auntie Jennifer had some balloons for me to play with.
Overall, it was a great day! I hope Mommy and Daddy will get me a doggy of my very own soon. Daddy said "maybe" we will. Oh boy!
We then headed home because Mommy had to get ready for her high school reunion. (Daddy says I'd better not say which one!) Daddy got home soon after us, and so he took care of me the rest of the night.