I just don't understand why Daddy says Uncle Randy is his "little" brother!
Daddy sure knows how to get me to giggle! Whee!!!!!!!!
Mommy heard somewhere that a person's adult height is twice the height an individual was when he/she was 2 years old. So Aunt Nicole decided to get the tape measure out as Mommy thought the doctor's office was a little bit off on my measurement this past Monday. Aunt Nicole and Daddy say I'm a little more than 35" tall. Does that mean I'll be 5'10" when I'm grown up?
I'd never met Samantha (19 months) and Olivia (3 years) Hizme before, but Mommy went to high school with their Daddy (Adam). So she's known him more than 20 years! We had lots of fun playing with Playdoh and balloons waiting for the other guests to arrive.
Mr. and Mrs. Massey (Ed and Sandy) also came to visit. (They're some of Grandma and Grandpa Roslewski's oldest friends from Phoenix and even before in Pennsylvania.) They helped me overcome my initial shyness to them and had me smiling in no time.
I don't think I mentioned how much fun it is to take a beach ball and toss it into the water. Somehow Daddy always seems to be able to get the ball back!
As we had an early birthday celebration with Grandma and Grandpa Roslewski, I've had some recent practice in blowing out candles. Here I blew out my candle on my first try!
Everyone seemed very excited by how well I blew out the candle. (Or do you think they were just eager to get some chocolate cake?)
Mommy had lots and lots of food for us all to eat. But with so many visitors and so many things to do, I just wasn't interested in eating any of it. Now that I'm a wise 2-year old, I learned there are some foods I just shouldn't pass up -- chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream are delicious!
Daddy and Uncle Stan spent a long time filling up water balloons for us to play with. Here you can see Emerson Elliston (Mishell's daughter) testing out her launching skills. (For some strange reason, most of our balloons took nose dives straight into the lawn. I'm sure Daddy will help me figure out proper trajectories by my next birthday.)

Sadly, the water balloons didn't last long. (We had a lot of fun though!) I'm glad Mommy was able to blow up some more air balloons for us to play with. You can also see some of our artwork we created on the sidewalk with chalk.
Here I am trying to show Mackenzie Massey the skills I've acquired in bubble blowing. Look at me all puckered up! (Of course, as she's a whole 10 months older than me, she already knew all about bubble blowing.)
Blowing bubbles and sculpting with playdoh takes some serious concentration. Here Morgan Massey (Mackenzie's twin), Emerson and I are each very focused on important play.
It turns out Aunt Jennifer (Mommy's sister) can't wait to give someone a present she's picked out. (Mommy has the same difficulty. She gets so excited when she's going to give someone a present that she wants them to open it as soon as possible.) She bought me this patriotic outfit that I'm already wearing in this photo. (She gave me a few more outfits, so I'm sure I'll have some pictures of those to share with you in the near future.)
It was pretty late by the time this picture was taken, so I wasn't too cheerful. But this was the first time Mommy has been with Uncle Matthew, Uncle Scotty, Aunt Jennifer and Grandma Bunny and Grandpa Mitch since she and Daddy were married. So she definitely wanted to get a family photo.
Who ever knew turning 2 years old could be so tiring?