This is my last week with the 1-2 year old "pre-toddlers" class at day care, I'm about to move on up to the "Toddlers" 2-3 year old class! This week I've been transitioning between the two, spending a little more time each day with the older kids. Although by Wednesday I was going over there pretty early in the morning because I felt like I was ready for it and let them know! It was nice seeing some of my old friends again, from when they were pre-toddlers too. But it's going to be sad leaving the old class as well.
Here is my teacher, Miss Angela. She was really nice, along with all the other ladies who helped out.

I'll also miss my friend Lindsay. We would always hug each other in the morning when we'd show up and then in the afternoon when we'd leave. She's nice, and I hope I get to see her in a few months when she moves up too!