I started off by getting comfortable on the coffee table, reading a book. Mommy and Daddy always tell me not to climb on furniture, so I had to wait until they weren't looking to hop on up here! Needless to say, I was not up here much longer...
So I went over to sit at my table. This is a great table for drawing, playing with Play-doh, and all kinds of other stuff. But who likes to play alone? I called Daddy over by saying "Daddy, sit" and pointing to his chair. He always grumbles something about it being to small for him, but secretly I think he likes joining me. Plus he fits perfectly!
After a little bit of play with Daddy, Mommy and I made cookies! I'm getting to be such a big girl and Mommy always asks if I want to help. With cookies? You bet!
I may have snuck in a little taste. Cookie dough is yummy!

Another big happening today - I decided I am too big for my booster seat. Big girls don't use booster seats, right? I asked Daddy to take it off of my chair, so he did, and put it on the floor. Of course, then I had to go sit in it on the floor and buckle myself in. But I don't need it any more at the table, I'm tall enough I can eat sitting in the big chair!