Today Mommy went to her "Super Saturday" Relief Society event. As the bad weather caused Daddy to cancel the "rescue" flight he'd been scheduled to fly, I got to spend the whole day playing with Daddy!
We went to the library just in time for story time. The story teller shared a really scary story about being swallowed by a big snake. She had a big, fabric snake eating her up, right in front of all of us! When the "snake" got up to the story teller's waist I had to scream at the snake "NO! Don't eat her!" For some reason, Daddy thought this was very funny. Didn't he know her life was in peril?
After the library we went to Lowe's, where I "test drove" all the riding lawn mowers. But as Daddy actually had a specific purpose for going there, I wasn't allowed to play as long as I would have liked to. :-(
Even with the rainy weather, Daddy still played lots of games with me. In fact, I fell asleep during my afternoon snack time, right at the table! Daddy carried me over to the couch. I must have been really tired to have slept through all of this. Even Pitch and Little Girl decided they should take a nap with us. I think the only one who didn't get much rest during this nap was Daddy. Poor Daddy!