Before we left this morning, Mommy put my hair into two braids. She said I looked very cute. Then she was silly and put her own hair in two braids also! We were like twins! Just before we left I wanted to give Little Girl some love first. Here Mommy is showing me how to pet Little Girl softly. (Don't let Little Girl's expression fool you. She LOVES us petting her.)
Turns out The Omniplex is a science museum. It has lots of fascinating exhibits, with many of them having "hands on" applications. Here Daddy is explaining how the balls are tripping different obstacles, allowing them to take different paths each time. (Daddy liked this exhibit a lot - maybe even more than I did. Mommy had to pull him away. Silly Daddy!)
Next we got to simulate a black hole by rolling our pennies (okay, Mommy's pennies) into this exhibit. The penny spun faster and faster as it reached the center.
This exhibit showed how airflow over a "wing" (like that of an airplane) causes lift, enabling flight. (Again, Daddy found the display more interesting than I did. But pressing the button was pretty fun!)
This "Jacob's Ladder" display was pretty neat. Each time I pressed a button, an electric spark would flow to the top of the ladder.
I have to admit, I found it pretty neat to see that touching a button could have such an interesting effect!
Mommy says that for years that Daddy has wanted to put a pulley system in our home. We don't know what for, but Daddy apparently likes pulleys. This exhibit shows how much easier a pulley makes it to lift a heavy object.
These three objects all rolled down the ramp at different speeds, depending on their mass distribution. And they made a big crash at the bottom! So we tested this many, many times.
What's going on with my hair?
They had a great big model train display that I wanted to watch for a long time!
I can't remember the rule about coupled pendulums, I just know it was pretty neat to watch the pendulums swing back and forth.
As you may know, I like to fly. So I was fascinated by the hot air balloon going all the way to the high ceiling. I even got to push the button that filled it with hot air to make it go all the way to the ceiling!
There was a room filled with mirrors that made it difficult to tell which way to go to get through the maze. Luckily, Mommy and Daddy were there to help me make it all the way to the end!
Here I'm spinning a "chaotic pendulum". The yellow bars of the pendulum would make really jerky movements that were fun to watch.
Around 4 p.m. Mommy and Daddy noticed I wasn't moving at my usual "Piper speed." Daddy asked if I wanted to go home. I gave him a very tired "yes". This was very unusual because I almost never say I want to go home!
Within minutes of getting in the car, I fell asleep. I was so tired, but I had a great day at The Omniplex. I can't wait to go back again!