Monday, May 7, 2012

Daddy and I are doing more math!

For the last few days when driving in the car, I've been asking Daddy if we can do math!  He of course was happy to, and so he would ask me a math problem like "what is 2 + 3" and I would tell him the answer, then write the answer down in my notebook.  I really like doing it and keep asking him for more.  We've mostly done addition, but he taught me a little bit of subtraction too.  I don't quite get the hang of that yet, but I will soon. 

Last night I wanted to do some more math at home, and he told me he could write out some problems for me.  He did, and I copied the problems and then wrote the answers too (not really in any special order, though, just wherever they seemed to fit along the top)!  My first math homework!