Friday, January 20, 2012

Scary Doggy Encounter, Lots of Visits and Peter Piper Pizza

Can you believe Mommy forgot to make an entry about all the excitement from yesterday?  It was a full day, I tell you.

Since I was still used to the Eastern time zone, I woke up relatively early.  Mommy heard Auntie Jennifer and her roommate, Ms. Holly, talking around 5:45 a.m.  So Mommy said I could go over to Auntie Jennifer's room.  Well, Mommy is used to me being really quiet (she'd even say sneaky at times) when I go into her bedroom in the mornings.  So she forgot to remind me that I should make some noise as I went into Auntie Jennifer's room.
Auntie Jennifer has two dogs living at her house, Patsy and Cholla.  Let's say that even though Auntie Jennifer didn't hear me coming towards her room, Patsy and Cholla sure did.  They growled and went into attack mode since they weren't used to having a little person around.  I screamed and went into "Piper flight mode".  This resulted in Mommy going into "Mommy panic mode."  Fortunately, Mommy and I were faster than the doggies.  Even though we were all right, I still cried for quite a while.

Grandma Bunny then came over so we could all go see Uncle Matthew and go out to lunch.  We happened to drive by a a McDonald's on the way to Uncle Matthew's.  I said we should eat there for lunch.  As that happens to be one of his favorite places to eat, Mommy thought this would work out well.  Of all days Uncle Matthew didn't want to eat at McDonald's, today would be that day.  What was I to do but sulk and cry?  Well, Mommy didn't stand for that.  So I agreed to be cheerful for our lunch at Taco Bell and then we went to McDonald's afterwards.  Mommy was super surprised how nice the restaurant was considering it wasn't in the best part of town.  I had a great time at the indoor playground.

After spending a couple hours with Uncle Matthew, we went back to Auntie Jennifer's so Grandma Bunny could pick up her car.  Then we went over to Grandma Bunny's and Grandpa Mitch's.  (Her doggies really scared me, especially after all I went through this morning.)  So the visit was really short.

Our next stop was going by Uncle Scotty's store, which is pretty close to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  I was pretty worried about getting poked by the cacti in front of his store.  With Mommy's help, I stayed safe.

After Uncle Scotty closed the store, we all went to Peter Piper Pizza and met with Grandma and Grandpa there.  Can you believe my name was in the sign for the pizza place?  That was so exciting to me!  What was even better about Peter Piper Pizza was they had an indoor playground and arcade.  I quickly made a friend with another girl my age.  Here we are "riding" a roller coaster simulator.  It was great fun!

I was still pretty jet lagged and worn out from all the visits.  I almost fell asleep on my slice of pizza.  So we made it an early night and went home to Auntie Jennifer's.  What a day!