Saturday, September 24, 2011

We built a fort and saw a neat airplane!

Daddy and I decided to be a little bit silly this morning, and built a fort out of our sofa mattresses.  We thought we were being pretty sneaky playing inside, but Mommy found us anyway!

For dinner, Daddy and I flew up to a local airport where they have a restaurant on the field.  Mommy still isn't feeling very well, so we let her rest at home.  The restaurant also makes pies, so we brought home a big slice of coconut cream pie for Mommy (and Daddy to share).  When we got back to our airport, a really neat airplane landed right after us.  Both Daddy and I wanted to go take a look!  I asked nicely, and they let me go inside and take a look (Daddy too).  He loves when I'm with him at the airport - what pilot could resist giving a 4-year-old girl named Piper a tour of an airplane?