I got to pet their horse John. Unfortunately the flash from this picture spooked him and he ran away to the other side of his yard! It took a while for him to get comfortable with us again. Sorry John! So we went to pet their dog Cody.
Cody is a good dog, but it takes him a while to warm up to people. And he seems to have something against Daddy, just like he did last year! Daddy even tried feeding him a treat, but no luck. Cody didn't want Daddy near him. But with Mommy and me, it was different. He came over to us pretty quickly once he saw we had treats! And he was very gentle eating the treat out of my hand. Nice boy!
By now John had calmed down from being spooked, so we went over and fed him some. I even got to sit on John! I wasn't quite sure what to make of this, though.

I'm glad we stopped by!