It's been a long time since I've seen Grandma and Grandpa Roslewski, since Christmas! One thing or another kept getting in the way of them coming down here or us going up to see them, but finally they were able to make it today. We had a great time, and I got to show them what a big girl I've become in the last couple of months! I said all kinds of new words for them (like "Pa-pa" for Grandpa, though I haven't quite figured out "Grandma" yet, much to her dismay), and showed them some of my new skills. Like art! Here I am showing Grandpa the finer points of crayons.

I also had a lot of fun playing "Row, row, row your boat" with Grandma and also "Patty-cake", for which I'm still trying to figure out all the hand movements. But I got a lot of practice with her!

I got to see their dog Shadow too, which I always like. Shadow likes it when I feed her snacks, and I'm getting very good at it (I know which ones are hers and don't try to eat them myself)!
Thanks for coming by Grandma and Grandpa, I hope to see you again soon!