As if today weren't exciting enough after visiting Grandma and Grandpa Stoller, Dr. Erika and Uncle Scotty, there was still another event lined up on our "social calendar."
Mommy and I went over to Mr. Behrens' home (Auntie Nicole's Daddy) for family night over there. As I mentioned before, Mommy and Auntie Nicole have been friends for a long, long time. So Mommy knows Auntie Nicole's siblings ("Uncle" Bill and "Auntie" Simone) as well as her parents pretty well, too.
Here I am meeting "Cousin" Eden and her Daddy, Roman. (You can see Mr. Behrens in the background preparing the grill. Mommy did her best to keep me distracted from those enticing flames!) I picked up her doggie that she dropped and gave it back to her. (Notice the change in outfit. Dr. Erika picked out this pretty dress for me and gave it to me during our visit earlier. After an "oopsie" at her house, it was nice that I had something clean to wear before heading over to the Behrens.)
Mommy, Auntie Nicole and I are already having lots of fun! (Notice the chair in the background. We had an "incident" a little later where I scared a few years off Mommy's life. I was standing up in the chair trying to reach a potato chip. Mommy had been prepared to catch me when I was leaning forward. But for some odd reason, I decided to lean way back really fast. The chair and I both toppled over and made a very load "SPLAT!" noise on the concrete. Luckily, the chair absorbed the impact rather than my noggin!)
In this photo, Mommy gained an even greater appreciation for photographers who work exclusively with children. She just couldn't get a photo where "Cousin" Luca, Cousin Eden and I were all looking at the camera AND didn't have expressions that looked like we just tasted something really yucky. So Mommy settled on this photo which demonstrates my interest in the mechanics of the glider.
Luca and Eden went on to explore more exciting things, so I got Mr. Behrens to myself for a few minutes.
Here Eden and I are having a very sophisticated discussion on the merits of tasting lemon rinds.
Here I am with Cousin Luca and Auntie Simone. You'll see in the next photo what had me so distracted.

LOOK! There's a baby bunny in the bushes. I'll run over and say hello!

I know the bunny is in there somewhere. But Mommy said I must have scared him away. Do I really look scary?
LOOK! There's a baby bunny in the bushes. I'll run over and say hello!
I know the bunny is in there somewhere. But Mommy said I must have scared him away. Do I really look scary?
Overall, we had a great time (minus the chair incident where I went BOOM!). I'm sorry there aren't any photos of me with "Uncle" Bill (especially since he'd come to the Stoller family night event, as well). I don't know how he managed to avoid Mommy's camera. As you may have noticed, she takes lots of pictures. I didn't get to meet Mrs. Behrens this trip either. Hopefully I'll get to meet her when we come back for Mommy's high school reunion in June.
I was plum tuckered out by the time Mommy and I got back to Auntie Nicole's. As tired as I was, I did something I haven't done except when I've been sick: I kept waking up and crying. Mommy had to come check on me and soothe me three times to get me to stay asleep. She sure hopes this doesn't mark the end of my good sleeping habits.