First, though, we had to go through the luggage check in, security and more! Once again, I was a big help to Mommy. Rather than having her push me along in my pink stroller, I insisted on "helping" her by pushing the stroller myself. Never mind the fact that the stroller is taller than I am and Mommy had to help steer so I wouldn't crash into everyone, I was helping!
When we were boarding the plane, some mean man took away my stroller! I don't know why I couldn't take it on the plane with me. And for some reason, the people who were around us when the man took the stroller away were LAUGHING at me. (One of them even made the comment that it was a good thing my looks couldn't actually hurt the "gate check" man.) So I started screaming to let everyone know my displeasure at having someone take away my beloved stroller. Again, the people around us laughed some more. The people who were already seated were wearing "please not my row" expressions as Mommy called them.
We ended up sitting by another lady near the back of the plane who was travelling with a 3-month old baby. Isn't it hard to believe that the very last seat taken on the plane was the one between the other baby and me? Shocking, I know.
The fllight back seemed much shorter than the one to Phoenix. This might have something to do with the fact that I slept an hour and a half on the way back. I would have slept even longer if Mommy hadn't woken me up. Apparently I had a major "overflow" in my diaper and Mommy decided she wasn't going to sit and be a super sponge underneath me.
I couldn't fall back asleep after going through a diaper AND outfit change on the floor near the lavatory. (There wasn't a changing table in the lavatory. So Mommy had a "discussion" with the flight attendant and "won" that she'd be allowed to change me out there rather than on the toilet seat in the lavatory.)
So for the remainder of the flight I kept noticing the wing of the airplane out the window. As a regular airport patron, I know that airplane wings generally mean there's an airplane nearby. Mommy doesn't think I was quite grasping the concept that I was in the plane whose wing I could see rather than thinking another airplane was nearby. I'm still learning.
Here was the best part of the whole flight -- Daddy was there to pick us up! Yeah! I'm so glad to be back!