Last night we all packed up the car and headed up to Owasso to visit Grandma and Grandpa Roslewski for a few days. I was a really good girl and slept most of the way up, although I was really fussy when we first got in the car. When I woke up, there we were! Although it was almost 9 PM when we got there, of course I had to stay up and play a while with them. But that's okay, because I could sleep in the next morning!
So this morning I woke up and got to play with Grandma and Grandpa all day! You may remember from last year that they always watch the parade to see Santa arrive in town, and this year was no different. I got to see him again! Here I am on Grandpa's knee.
After lots of playing and watching the parade, we all decided to go to the park while the turkey was cooking. But for that, you'll have to see my next post!