Grandma and Grandpa were sure happy to see me! It had been a little over a month since they last saw me, and I've gotten a lot better at walking in that time. I spent the whole day running around the house, wearing everybody out, including their dog Shadow.
I did get to give Shadow some treats. She was very gentle!
Daddy had watched this show on TV called Mythbusters where they claimed you couldn't pull two phone books apart if you interleaved the pages. Well, when Daddy told Grandpa about this, Grandpa right away ran off to get their phone books so they could test it! Daddy and Grandpa are so much alike it's really scary sometimes. But it actually worked, they couldn't pull the two books apart! Neat!
I even got to take a nap with Grandma. I've had lots of naps with Daddy, and quite a few with Grandpa, but this time I decided to curl up with Grandma! It was sure nice. I was being really good holding the baby doll she got me too.
I had a great time just running around, babbling constantly, and showing off all my newfound abilities. Grandma even got me some new clothes, including these cool shoes that have flashing lights!
I sure was worn out from all this activity, and fell asleep on the way home. I woke up a little when Daddy got me out of the car and changed me for bed, but didn't fuss at all and fell right back asleep!