First, I want everyone to know that I am back to my normal self, maybe even better! Today was quite the day, let me tell you.
It started off really early. Since I couldn't eat anything before my surgery, Mommy and Daddy thought I was going to be a little cranky when I woke up. So when Daddy picked me up out of bed at about 5:20 AM this morning, he was very careful not to wake me - I even slept through him putting me in the car seat, and slept all the way to the hospital. When we got there, I did wake up, but I was a really good girl and didn't fuss at all! We checked in and finally they called us at about 6:30 into the pre-op room. I got to put on a little hospital gown and they put a pulse and blood oxygen sensor on my big toe, which I thought was very exciting and pulled off right after the nurse got done checking my vitals and left!
I crawled around on the hospital bed for a while, and Daddy and Mommy held me a little too. The nurse anesthetist and the doctor came by to talk about the procedure, and then went to get the operating room ready. We all had a big family hug then! I was still being really good and not fussing at all, even though I had been awake a long time without eating! At about 6:55 the nurse came and picked me up and we went into the operating room while Mommy and Daddy went to the waiting room.
It was quick and easy! They put a mask on my face and I went to sleep. The doctor said he first vacuumed out a lot of pus from both my middle ears, which was causing all the infections. He said things were pretty red and swollen. Then he put the tubes in, and was done in about 15 minutes. When I woke up, though, I wondered where I was and didn't see Mommy or Daddy, so I did get a little fussy. Finally, at about 7:30 they wheeled me on a gurney back into a room where Mommy and Daddy were very eagerly waiting for me! I saw Daddy first and tried to crawl off the gurney to get to him, reaching as far as I could with my little arms, fussing up a storm until he was finally able to pick me up. Then all was right with the world again, as Mommy says, and I quickly calmed down as Daddy and Mommy held me. They fed me a bottle, which I sucked down really quickly (I was really hungry by then), and we waited around until about 8 when the nurse let us leave. We got in the car and I fell asleep right away, and slept until about 10:30! I was tired!
But once I woke up, it was like nothing ever happened. I played with Mommy (Daddy had gone in to work), we went for a walk to the park and played on the swings, I took an afternoon nap, just like normal!
Mommy and Daddy sure were nervous, this being my first surgery, but fortunately things all went well and I can hear better and hopefully won't get any more ear infections! What a day!